Consultant / Unit Chief
Department of Spine Services
Indian Spinal Injuries Centre
Lumber Spinal Stenosis / Slip Disc
Thoracic and Lumbar Spinal Surgery
The doctor was very good and infact exceeded my expectations.
Dr. Gururaj Sangondimath
Ph: +91 989 985 5831
Email: drgururajortho@gmail.com
+91 818 235 2307
+91 818 240 1719
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Anesthesia is the use of medicines to prevent pain during surgery and other procedures. These medicines are called anesthetics. They may be given by injection, inhalation, topical lotion, spray, eye drops, or skin patch. They cause you to have a loss of feeling or awareness.
What is anesthesia used for?
Anesthesia may be used in minor procedures, such as filling a tooth. It could be used during childbirth or procedures such as colonoscopies. And it is used during minor and major surgeries.
In some cases, a dentist, nurse, or doctor may give you an anesthetic. In other cases, you may need an anesthesiologist. This is a doctor who specializes in giving anesthesia.
What are the types of anesthesia?
There are several different types of anesthesia:
Local anesthesia numbs a small part of the body. It might be used on a tooth that needs to be pulled or on a small area around a wound that needs stitches. You are awake and alert during local anesthesia.
Regional anesthesia is used for larger areas of the body such as an arm, a leg, or everything below the waist. You may be awake during the procedure, or you may be given sedation. Regional anesthesia may be used during childbirth, a Cesarean section(C-section), or minor surgeries.
General anesthesia affects the whole body. It makes you unconscious and unable to move. It is used during major surgeries, such as heart surgery, brain surgery, back surgery, and organ transplants.
What are the risks of anesthesia?
Anesthesia is generally safe. But there can be risks, especially with general anesthesia, including:
Heart rhythm or breathing problems
An allergic reaction to the anesthesia
Delirium after general anesthesia. Delirium makes people confused. They may be unclear about what is happening to them. Some people over the age of 60 have delirium for several days after surgery. It can also happen to children when they first wake up from anesthesia.
Awareness when someone is under general anesthesia. This usually means that the person hears sounds. But sometimes they can feel pain. This is rare.